Biotin Plus

PRODUCT INFORMATION Nutrifactor’s Biotin Plus restores healthy hair, radiant skin, and strong nails naturally. It helps in the synthesis of keratin and collagen that help to promote strong hair follicles. It contains folic acid, which is responsible for cell growth and metabolism, also prevents from Iron Deficiency Anemia by production...

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  • Nutrifactor’s Biotin Plus restores healthy hair, radiant skin, and strong nails naturally.
  • It helps in the synthesis of keratin and collagen that help to promote strong hair follicles.
  • It contains folic acid, which is responsible for cell growth and metabolism, also prevents from Iron Deficiency Anemia by production of healthy red blood cells.
  • It also aids in energy production and promotes normal Immune Functions.

    For Adults (Men and Women), Take 1-2 Tablets daily as a dietary supplement with water preferably after the meal. 


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    What is Biotin?
    Biotin is an essential B vitamin, also known as vitamin H & Vitamin B7. It is a water-soluble vitamin that not stored in the body and must be continually replaced by oral intake. It supports the health of the skin, nerves, digestive tract, metabolism, and cells. Body needs biotin to metabolize carbohydrates, fats and amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein. Biotin is often recommended for strengthening hair, nails, and skin. It is also found in many cosmetic products for hair, skin and nails health.

    What is Folic Acid?
    Folic Acid is known as B9 vitamin, responsible for Red blood Cells production and energy metabolism. It also prevents from many hair, skin & nail disorders.

    How does Biotin work in the body?
    Biotin, a water-soluble B vitamin, acts as a coenzyme in the metabolism of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

    Can I get Biotin from any food?
    Yes, you can. Vegetables such as cauliflower, carrots, Nuts such as almonds and fruits like bananas, Whole wheat bread, wheat germ, whole-grain cereals, yeast, Poultry products like eggs and chicken. 

    How does biotin work for hair growth, nail strength and skin hydration?
    Biotin is a vitamin that helps to boost keratin structure in the human body. Keratin is a protein that protects the hair from much damage and stress. When this keratin is strengthened, this, in turn, gives added strength and resistance to hair. It extends from root to the shaft, eventually lead to longer hair and less hair fall and hair loss. Biotin stimulated the collagen production as well which ensures skin hydration and elasticity.

    How does folic acid work?
    Helps tissues to grow and cells to work. It also helps the body to break down, use, and create new proteins. Helps form red blood cells (helps prevent anemia). Helps to stimulate energy production.

    Is Biotin Plus safe to use while Nursing/Breastfeeding?
    Pregnant women, Lactating/Nursing/Breastfeeding mothers can take Biotin Plus. 

    In how much time I can get Results?
    Within 2-3 months of use, you will start getting results. Results may vary from person to person. 

    Is Biotin Plus a prescription medicine?
    No, it is not a prescription medicine. It is a blend of B-Vitamins. 

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